Fiesta de Recuerdos
The week of Remembrance is conducted every year during the Month of Sept 9th thru 15th. This Ceremony has been since time immemorial. A private ceremony for the families of the Tap Pilam Coahuiltecan Nation. It is celebrated with a Fiesta de Recuerdos “Feast of Remembrance”. It has been referred to, as our Decoration Day/Memorial Day/Dia de los Muertos. A time when we honor the memory of our fallen Warriors, Tamas, and Conas. On the final day, the rites and ceremonies are concluded with the “Llanto de los Muerto” before the rising of the sun.

On February 14, 1994, human remains were discovered under the floor of the Mission San Antonio de Valero’s Chapel during an archaeological project conducted by the Center for Archaeological Research, UTSA.
Once identified the remains were re-interred in or as near to their original position as discovered during the excavation. Leaders of the Tāp Pīlam Coahuiltecan Nation conducted a reburial ceremony and added the “Reading of the Names” at Mission San Antonio de Valero (Alamo). This was done to remind us of all the people buried at each of our missions, and that their contributions and memory will NEVER be forgotten.